Monday, September 15, 2008

September 14 & 15

Sunday was a day to learn something about worship in a Ukrainian Methodist church. We found that they sing a lot and sing beautifully. We wished for good recording equipment to preserve it. The pastor preached for about an hour without notes and always with passion. Too bad we couldn’t understand it, although a few of us can understand enough Ukrainian or Russian to get the gist of what he was saying. Church was followed by a meal in the home of the local pastor and like everything we’ve had to eat here, was delicious.

Today was a rain day so we could not work on construction. They fed us anyway. The ladies held Bible study for the children but the men had to go back to the Nehemia Center for their afternoon naps. Tomorrow the weather is expected to be better so some work might actually get done.

We know we have most of the week ahead of us but we have already been shown that we will take more away from the Ukraine than we leave behind – even if we are able to work hard every day


P.S. - Jennie is very impatient with the upload of pictures... We will do our best if the internet connection behaves better, but for now this is all we can do!!

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